Sydney Gig Guide

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Bicentennial Park
Thursday, May 16, 2002
Club Acoustica at La Bar
8:00:00 PM Nick Rheinberger
8:45:00 PM Play Act One
9:30:00 PM Elliott Weston
Sydney, Welter
10:15:00 PM Raf Rouco & The Conformists
11:00:00 PM Beej

Doors open 7:45pm

We will give away CDs on the night. For a chance to win, fill out the giveaway form and place in the Magic Box when you arrive at the show.

Door Charge $8
Upstairs @ 231 Oxford St , Darlinghurst NSW 2010
(02) 9326 0044
'Club Acoustica proves that talent isn't about being the loudest, it's simply about being good.'
Craig New, Revolver

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