Sydney Gig Guide

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Bicentennial Park
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Club Acoustica at Candy’s Apartment
8:00:00 PM Shaine Singh
8:45:00 PM Serelle
9:30:00 PM Michael Henry
Sydney, Trio
10:15:00 PM Lorka
11:00:00 PM Kylie Memory

Showcasing 5 live original acts.

Join us at Club Acoustica at Candy’s Apartment for an atmospheric night of great music with wonderful acoustics, lots of tables, cushions, lounges, mirror balls and candlelight.

Doors open 7:50pm.

Door Charge $10/$7 Conc.
22 Bayswater Road , Potts Point NSW 2011
(02) 9380 5600
'It says to the world, look, Sydney music is really kicking arse. Australian acoustic songwriting is really kicking arse. ("Club Acoustica: The Basement Showcases Vol 1") is something to be really proud of, something to be really excited about, and we're putting it out there.'
Brett Hunt, in an article by Mark Neilsen, The Drum Media

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